Community search engines

Community Search Engines is the label for a set of approaches to interconnect communities.

These communities are formed by:

  • Events such as conferences
  • Digital spaces, such as a Discord server

These are often communities of interest, but can also considered to be trust relationships: if you are connected to a group of people you may extend trust to other recommendations they make.

Summer of Protocols

I have applied to the Summer of Protocols with walkah, see the RFC in the forum.


Dark Forest and Cozy Web

The Brazilianization of the Internet: forming communities, which can be considered a kind of commons, do exclude or make cozyweb spaces. Does this cause a kind of elitism, and/or further deteriorate public spaces?

How Algolia uses Electron to improve internal productivity: Iโ€™m still inspired by this description of Algolia implementing company wide search across internal tools, with desktop integration. This should be a tool for organizations of all kinds.


Lieu is an example of some code that helps build community search engines and webrings.

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