

This is actually my first time at EthDenver! There are several people who thought I'd been here in the past :)

It's a pretty giant event now, mostly around many many side events.

I'm here with Ryan from the Fission team, talking to potential users and partners for Everywhere Computer.

IPFS Mainnet

Ran this end of day event with the IP Shipyard team, and Mosh from the emerging IPFS Foundation.


Talked to Edvard and Chris from DeSci Labs. They’ve been building a “Drive” tool that uses and caches UnixFS in order to have a performant file storage interface.

We’re going to connect and talk about WNFS and CAR Mirror.


Ronen reached out via a Twitter DM and we arranged to meet for an afternoon coffee.

It ended up being a great wide ranging conversation.

The idea is to move science / academia conversations from being trapped on Twitter to cross posting on different systems, and also potentially enrich posts semantically in different ways.

I talked about Fedica and how I do cross posting.

I talked about my Twitter#Archive|Twitter Archive using Tweetback.

We talked a bit about what kind of “extra” things you might get from using the cross poster.

One idea could be Technorati-style curated tag pages that are public.

The Forem software which powers communities like have curated tags already.

TODO: find my link / write up of Tweetstorm

We had the usual-for-me conversation about Semantic Web: I don’t think RDF and SPARQL give apps that are performant or have good UX — and it’s too complicated for developers to work with.

Blueyard Conversations

Tapped Evin’s fingernails to get connected on Disco’s IRL app


A long day! Great meeting with W3S team to sync on what they are building. A hot storage layer for Filecoin.

Dropped in at Beyond the Base Layer. Adrian Brink said to minimize global consensus and just operate on “local” state. This is the plan for EC Subnets.

Graph Paper Capital Brunch. Talked to Vitaly from Merklebots who are doing local factory robots, as well as a Polkadot parachain for smart home devices. They do lots of things on IPFS.

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