Open source
I like to tell people about my Three Definitions of Open Source as context.
Iām interested in Commons Funding and Open Source Licensing, but most especially Commons Based Peer Production: how to work together to produce and maintain things.
Open source code and related open data goods are very common, but peer production and co-op structures can and should be applied to many more things.
The missions and meanings of open source for me have very much been superseded by DWeb principles: the licensing of software is only a small part of that.
Related notes:
- 11ty second brain
- Affero General Public License (AGPL)
- Bdfl
- Business Source LIcense
- Backyourstack
- Chad whitacre
- Coase's Penguin, or Linux and the Nature of the Firm
- Commercial open source software
- David luecke
- Dokku
- Dokploy
- Drupal
- Feathersjs
- Freescout
- Hedgedoc
- History of open source in vancouver
- Initiative on sponsorship forwarding
- Knowledge networks and the politics of protocols
- La suite
- Linkding
- Nlnet
- Osi Approved open source
- Open Source Initiative
- Open collective
- Open protocols are better than open source
- Open Source Beyond Licensing - The Evolution Ahead
- Open source definition
- Open source licensing
- Open source sred platform
- Open source is a restaurant
- Open sourcing kinopio
- Open source is no longer a radical act
- Orbit model
- Out of your element
- Oxide Computer
- Paying people to work on open source is good actually
- Pears
- Pinokio
- Polar
- Self Hosting
- Software commons
- Superbloom
- Tangara
- Third wave (commercial) open source
- Three definitions of open source
- Towards software commons
- Ubicloud
- Ventoy
- Beets
- Gdown
- Open source as a job
- P2panda
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