

Radicle is an open source, peer-to-peer code collaboration stack. It leverages Git’s architecture combined with cryptography and a gossip protocol to enable a fully sovereign developer stack.

How it Works

The Radicle protocol leverages cryptographic identities for code and social artifacts, utilizes Git for efficient data transfer between peers, and employs a custom gossip protocol for exchanging repository metadata.

All social artifacts are stored in Git, and signed using public-key cryptography. Radicle verifies the authenticity and authorship of all data for you.

Protocol Guide

More in the Radicle Protocol Guide, some quotes below:

Radicle adopts a local-first, peer-to-peer (P2P) architecture, which draws inspiration from Secure Scuttlebutt (SSB) and Bitcoin’s Lightning Network.

Peer connections in Radicle are secured thanks to a Noise protocol handshake. Radicle uses the Noise XK pattern specifically, just like the Lightning Network with the Node ID as the static key. This requires nodes to know the Node IDs of their peers before connecting to them, which takes place through the exchange of peer information over the gossip protocol.


My repository ID is rad:z2mhGieNQ2Q22sHpW6FLoLmnUS1ax. It's the source code for the contents of this site.

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