Hi đź‘‹ Welcome to Boris Mann's Homepage

I'm interested in Open Source Licensing, community, co-operative models. Pooling capital and collaboration. I'm the founder of Fission. In Canada I help run the CoSocial Community Co-op. In Vancouver, I'm one of the organizers of DWebYVR. I like to cook & eat and have a FoodWiki.

The Feeds page has ways to subscribe. My personal Mastodon account is @boris@cosocial.ca. Journal items are cross-posted to @boris@toolsforthought.social.

Blog Posts đź–Š

Digital Garden 🌱

These are the ten most recently modified local notes: Webxdc, James Walker, Via, Self Hosting is selfish, Pooling capital and collaboration, Open source as a job, Libra.re, Death of the professional desktop operating system, Co Op, ZOĂ‹.

Journal Entries đź““

I added a few notes to Feedback on Federating Ghost on how this could be done using ATProtocol. ... #

Matthew Bogart writes up his thoughts on how Ghost might join the fediverse. The “new blog post... #

ActivityBadges extends Open Badges with ActivityPub support. Seen via @mapache@hacyderm.io  #

Just read David Phelps’ Proto-App Thesis aka “Protocol Apps”. It matches a lot of what I’m think... #

Clew is an independent web search engine “focused on writing by independent creators”.  #