What is the Message: Language as Metaphor? President as Magician

[image:928,right,5,5]<p>From What is the Message?, a pointer to a NY Times article on how fast food restaurants should be reclassified as part of the manufacturing sector.</p>

I readily admit to not understanding large parts of American politics, but I do find it funny at times:

Apparently, according to all the President's men, "assembling the inputs" of the parts of a hamburger into a final product is close enough to assembling an automobile on an assembly line, and thus should be classifed as a manufacturing, as opposed to service sector job. The fact that such a reclassification would do wonders for the nominal job creation statistics in an election year is, well, magical! Abracadabra! Presto chango! Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!
This is part of the long term Archive, originally published on

Categories: United States


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