Going disc golf...and to North Van?

Looks like I'm going to lead a Sunday expedition tomorrow to go disc golfing at Queen E aka Little Mountain Disc Golf Park.

Lots of disc golf newbees....turns out I've been playing for something like 12 years, ever since I started going to UVic. I haven't managed to make it out many times here, best thing to do is recruit new folks who want to come out and play. I have some other disc golf dates to schedule, too. Talking shop on the disc golf course -- what could be better?!

In any case, if you didn't get an email invite, ping me if you want to come tomorrow morning (10am~ish? we're gathering details...). Afterwards, a by-transit field trip over to see DaveO's new place in North Vancouver. Transit! North Vancouver! Shock! Horror!

This is part of the long term Archive, originally published on
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