
Large and small. Some look more like mini projects.

AI Research Lab

How can one fund AI research lab? There are many of these, we can focus on specific areas like interface research

Proto Apps

I have many ideas for Proto Apps


A gaming social network that bootstraps by using your SteamID to OAuth link to a new account. Might also be able to cross-post various things.


  • Game
  • Purchase
  • Achievements
  • Review
  • Image: screenshots as well as fan art and any other such image
  • Video: could also include live streams


Github is the social platform that has captured the world's code. What does it look like to start building a proto-app that focuses on social activity around code that works across platforms?

Some things that could integrate:

ForgeFed is the ActivityPub version of this.


  • Repo
  • Issue
  • Release

    Local first App

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