Open souls

Founder Kevin Fischer intro video at Betaworks, September 2023:

It’s time to unstealth the worst kept secret on a Twitter - that I’m building a company to give AI a soul, @OpenSoulsPBC

Last week @betaworks , I illustrated just how we’re going to imbue AI with the indescribable essence of humanity. Many people have called me crazy over the last year, and the audience was no exception - the room didn’t have many believers before I started speaking. But by the end of the demo, every person in the audience was dead certain they had just been a part of a historic moment in humanity’s relationship with machines.

And now, I invite you to witness part of that same pivotal moment - a mock zoom firing call between two Open Souls, running live on stage

Introducing Open Souls PBC and our historic mission


Last week at Betaworks, I illustrated just how we’re going to imbue AI with the indescribable essence of humanity. Many people have called me crazy over the last year, and the audience was no exception - the room didn’t have many believers before I started speaking. But by the end of the demo, every person in the audience was dead certain they had just been a part of a historic moment in humanity’s relationship with machines. And now, I invite you to witness part of that same moment.

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