
Domain registrar and DNS host.

Also offers web and email hosting. Email forwarding is bundled and free.

  • Email hosting: $6/year for 1 mailbox / 5 aliases / 3GB, $7/year for 1 mailbox, 10 aliases, 10GB, or $23/year for 5 mailboxes / unlimited aliases / 10GB
  • Web hosting: cPanel powered (I would never use this)

Namecheap Reboot

Spaceship is actually Namecheap, but under a new brand and new codebase. Here's Richard Kirkendall, Namecheap's CEO, with an April 2024 Twitter post:

Hey @levelsio, thanks for asking. Namecheap has always been a 100% privately owned boot strapped company. Growth is good with 330 million in revenue last year and 15% yoy growth.

Regarding Spaceship, we wanted to start building our next phase without any legacy limitations and a legacy codebase. We also came in with the mindset of what we would do if we wanted to disrupt ourselves.

Yes, right now the choices in what we offer are similar but it's early. Although I'd argue our UX and experience levels beyond a typical registrar even at this point and the plan is just to keep getting better.

We are being very deliberate and customer centered around next steps. . We also want to operate like a start up and move as fast as we can and legacy just wouldn't allow us to do it.

Someone else mentioned the issues and limitations with our current brand and we want to try and move beyond that and I think we're on the right track.

We aren't trying to charge more. We are just trying to build something better as a whole, we'll see if works but I believe it will.

Happy to answer any questions from you or anyone else.

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