Dweb vancouver community search engine

I'm prototyping a Community Search Engine by building one for Vancouver. Go to search.dwebvancouver.org to try it out.

Communities form around a number of things. One is online / regional community such as DWebYVR (Signal channel, DWeb Discord, Wiki, etc), another is around events, e.g. Causal Islands or DWeb Camp.

Online communities, especially those around a chat powered by Discord, Signal, Telegram, etc., have terrible built in search where things aren't very browseable or discoverable.

Event based communities have lots of rich content – speakers, their talks, links and pointers in the talks themselves – but this is usually left behind and not carried forward each year. As well, the attendees themselves, and their personal or work websites, and their social media, also contain great information, but aren't captured at all.


Lieu is a basic community search engine and webring tool. We're going to use it to prototype the experience.

The LOCALHOST DWeb webring repo has a lieu config file as well as a basic HTML website at localhost.dwebvancouver.org. This is being published via Github Actions to Github Pages.

Thank you to Graham Fleming, who got Lieu up and running on Railway, so the search is live at search.dwebvancouver.org .

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