Email clients
I’m a long time Missive user for work, and I’m looking for a new email client and/or new email workflows to adopt.
I host my email on a paid Google plan, but am exploring different options like self hosting with Cloudron, or picking a paid Fastmail account.
I’ll tag Freescout as a self-hosted tool I’m getting more experience with for shared inboxes.
As an individual user, Google works fine and lets me use Google account linked services.
For an organization / group / non-profit it immediately becomes quite expensive to run emails and calendaring. But that’s a longer discussion.
Below, some clients that I’m trying out.
- I’d like to have an iOS native client
- Needs to have great snooze support — send an email with a “snooze” reminder that puts it back in the inbox after 2 business days if no one has replied
Everything else is nice to have, but basically I’m picky about the look / feel.
I could stay with Missive, but a single user plan is also $14/user/month paid annually, and doesn't include integrations or rules.
Freemium plans but includes “Sent with Shortwave” for every email.
Paid plans are $7/user/month paid annually for personal inboxes ( or .edu), or $14/user/month paid annually for Google Workspace account support.
Has some AI features for search and compose.
Spark Mail
Has newer team / AI plans, but base price is free, or an individual annual price of $60 which seems reasonable.
Lots of people swear by this.