Migrating pds account with goat

whtwnd.com/bnewbold.net/entries/Migrati..., by Bryan Newbold, October 2, 2024

Bryan Newbold's write up on how to move your ATProtocol account between PDS.

The entire meat of the article is, install goat:

go install github.com/bluesky-social/indigo/cmd/goat@latest

And then run three commands:

1: Login to your old account

goat account login -u $OLDHANDLE -p $OLDPASSWORD

2: Request a verification token from your current PDS.

goat account plc request-token

3: Run the migrate command

goat account migrate \
  --pds-host $NEWPDSHOST \
  --new-handle $NEWHANDLE \
  --new-password $NEWPASSWORD \
  --new-email $NEWEMAIL \
  --plc-token $NEWPLCTOKEN \
  --invite-code $INVITECODE

The article has more details on manual migrations if things go wrong.

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